Les annuaires→Counselors | psychologists | psychotherapists→Namur→5640 Saint-Gérard→Madame Murielle Tomasi
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Clinical psychologist, coach and hypnotherapist for adults
I'm a cognitivo-behavioral therapist, clinical psychologist, and I use NLP techniques, and hypnosis in my practice, depending of my client and his/her situation. As previous manager in companies, I know very well the company world and its stress issues. I take in charge anxious issues, stress, burnout andslight depressions.
If you want to do personal development, I can also offer coaching to support you and reach your objectives.
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Madame Murielle Tomasi, counselor | psychologist | psychotherapist à 5640 Saint-Gérard
Remonter vers la commune: 5640 Saint-Gérard et alentours
Remonter vers la province: Namur
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