Les annuaires→Counselors | psychologists | psychotherapists→Brabant wallon→1325 Dion-Valmont→Madame Florianne Siegrist
0478 26 39 81
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Clinical psychologist and psychotherapist for children, teenagers, adults, couples and families
My experience of psychotherapy is more than 15 years old.
My tools are:
- psychoanalytical therapy
- family/systemic therapy
- SFBT (solution focused brief therapy)
- hypnosis
If you feel concerned by the following problems, please contact me:
Personal problems:
- mood disorders, depression, nervous breakdown, bipolar disorder
- anxiety, stress, panic attack, trauma, mourning
- difficulties facing health problems
- psychosomatic problems
- blocked emotions
- decision-making at an important moment of your life
- lack of self-confidence, lack of self-esteem, shyness
- eating disorders, self image problems
- sexual addictions, alcohol problems, drug problems, tobacco dependence
Family problems:
- Couple or relationships issues, difficult separation or divorce, recomposed families,
- parental guidance around childhood and adolescence
Professional problems:
- harassement, burn-out, stress
Appointment can be scheduled on the following n°: 0478/26 39 81
I don't answer calls during the sessions so please leave me a message with your name and number and I will contact you as soon as possible.
Master en psychologie clinique ULB, 1992-1997
Mémoire sur 'les conséquences psychologiques du cancer du sein chez des couples dont la femme a subi une mammectomie'
Thérapie familiale et systémique au CEFS (Centre d'Etude de la Famille et des Systèmes) avec Dr A. Ackermans, psychiatre et C. Van Cutsem, pédopsychiatre
Thérapie brève et hypnose avec T. Melchior, 2002-2004
Hypnose ericksonienne conversationnelle et PTR (Psychothérapie du Trauma Réassociative) à l'IMHEB (Institut Milton H. Erickson de Belgique avec Gerald Brassine et Bérangère Lhomme, 2015
Madame Florianne Siegrist, counselor | psychologist | psychotherapist à 1325 Dion-Valmont
Remonter vers la commune: 1325 Dion-Valmont et alentours
Remonter vers la province: Brabant wallon
Madame Florianne Siegrist
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