Les annuaires→Counselors | psychologists | psychotherapists→Brabant wallon→1300 Wavre→Madame Alexia Chrysochoos
Dynamic Psy
Psychologist specialize in emotion therapy
Based on a cognitive-behavioural approach. I'm working with kids from 10 years old to adults.
We are using psychological assistance strategies to get people better understand and manage their emotions.
Specialized in Eating Disorders
Emotions Management
Eating disorders
Master de spécialisation en cliniques psycho-thérapeutiques intégrées.
Prise en charge des troubles du comportement alimentaire
Madame Alexia Chrysochoos, counselor | psychologist | psychotherapist à 1300 Wavre
Remonter vers la commune: 1300 Wavre et alentours
Remonter vers la province: Brabant wallon
Madame Alexia Chrysochoos
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