Les annuaires→Counselors | psychologists | psychotherapists→Bruxelles-Capitale→1030 Schaerbeek→Madame Faustine Dujardin
Centre de Santé Holistique
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Madame Faustine Dujardin propose des téléconsulations Afficher les infos de téléconsultation
Clinical psychologist
Hello! I am a clinical psychologist specialized in intellectual disabilities. Growing up in the Middle East, I am fluent in English. I work with individuals who have intellectual developmental disorders, autism spectrum disorder, ADHD, or communication disabilities. I have experience in the use of pictograms and alternative and augmentative communication methods.I provide psychological therapies.
Feel free to contact me for more information.
Unfortunately, I do not administer diagnostic tests in English, as the ones I have are all standardized in French.
Madame Faustine Dujardin dispose des titres professionnels suivants:
Formation à la passation du test diagnostic du Trouble du Spectre Autistique: ADOS-2
Formation premiers secours
Formation Double Diagnostic
Formation Immersion Autisme
Formation Snoezelen
Madame Faustine Dujardin, counselor | psychologist | psychotherapist à 1030 Schaerbeek
Remonter vers la commune: 1030 Schaerbeek et alentours
Remonter vers la province: Bruxelles-Capitale
Madame Faustine Dujardin
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